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Saturday, February 6, 2016

500th Follower Giveaway!!!

Hey friends!

 I need your help! I would like to reach 500 followers and in order to do that, I need each of you. Please go and spread the word about my blog, the Funday Friday challenges and a little about me, to your bloggy friends. Word of mouth still seems to be the most effective way to advertise for events and such. 

Up for grabs is this.........

Please copy and paste this banner to your blogs and social media platforms. If I am able to double my number from 500 to 1000 followers, the above prize will climb to $250. So the more you spread the word and get people to come subscribe to my blog, the more followers I will gain. If I reach 1000 followers, there will be $250 to Amazon up for grabs for one lucky winner. That winner could be YOU!!! 

So to be eligible for this prize, you will need to leave me a comment below in the comments section of this post and your current email address. This will allow me to have a way to contact you should you be the lucky winner. 

So go ahead and grab this banner and go put it up on your blogs and social media starting now! Then go get your friends in on the prize! Ya never know, if your friend wins, they just might split the shopping with you, since you were the one to tell them about it!! I know that is what I would do if I won a giveaway that a friend told me about :)

And tell  your friends to pass this along to their friends too and have them put the banner up on their blogs and social media too! The more people we all get to follow my blog, the bigger that prize can go!

Please note:
  • You are NOT eligible to win the prize if you have not left a comment on this blog post.

  •  You MUST leave a way to contact you in your comment. 

  • You MUST be a follower

Good luck!!!!

Until next time, Enjoy life's blessings~


  1. Congrats, Jo! I found you through Bugaboo, and I am glad I did! Love your blog...such talent! I am happy to be 406!

  2. Hy!!
    First of all, thanks for the chanse to winn sutch a generous candy, and if I winn it definetly wuld share it with my best friend ♥
    I have putt your picture on my sidebar and here is my mail : valci@live.com
    Thanks again and have a great weekend!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  3. Thanks for the chance to win, Jo. I'll be posting the banner to my blog.


  4. Hey Jo. Hope life is treating you kind. I have placed the 500 followers pic on my left side bar. Hope you reach your goal soon. Hugs. ajscreativeenergy@yahoo.com

  5. Hey Jo. I hope life is treating you kind. I have placed the 500 followers pic on my left side bar. I hope you reach your goal soon. Hugs. ajscreativeenergy@yahoo.com

  6. Congratulations, Jo - you already have over 400 followers so it won't take long to reach 500! You can do it! This is a fabulous giveaway - thank you so much for your generosity! I just added it to my sidebar for you and I'm headed to fb how to share it there. Enjoy your weekend!
    Blog: http://ktdesigns2013.blogspot.ca/
    Contact: fitkitty1@gmail.com

  7. Congrats on soon to have 500 followers! I have enjoyed your challenges and wanted to be included for the give away. My email is: cardsbymel3@gmail.com
    Thanks Mel C

  8. congrats i will spread the word ccntx@livedotcom

  9. I hope your blog continues to grow!

  10. Congratulations on your successful blog growth!! Wishing you much continued success. :) blessedonthebrightside@gmail.com

  11. Congrats to you!! Woo-Hoo!!
    You will reach your crafty goal very soon!!
    I posted the pic of my sidebar under Giveaways and shared it on my FB page.
    Have a blessed day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  12. Oh! My email addy:
    Have a blessed day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  13. Congratulations on 500 subscribers! You are so talented. You will be past 1000 in no time! Xoxo, Julie. :)

  14. Congrats on your following and hope you reach your goal! I have posted your banner on my sidebar! Wow, what a generous giveaway~someone will be a very happy crafter!
    Sherrie K
    jskoning at msn dot com

  15. I love following your blog and thank you for sharing your creative projects and challenges with us. Good luck with reaching your goal of 500 followers...Hugs Doreen Wood

  16. Best of Luck Jo! I just (finally) added your information to the sidebar of my blog. Best of luck reaching this goal. HUGS my friend!

  17. Good luck reaching your goal, Jo...I have no doubt you will be there soon!! What an amazing giveaway!! I'm adding to my sidebar now!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  18. You are so close! I hope you reach your goal! I have pinned to my side bar and shared on my FB page. goldengoddessdesigns at gmail.com and goldengoddessdesigns.blogspot.com

    Thanks for the opportunity!


  19. The numbers are rising, you will be at 500 before you know it. You can contact me in the normal way you know my email addie :D

  20. Good luck my friend. You know all my info but if not ahaynes43055 at yahoo.com. <3 have a great day.


  21. Thanks Jo for the chance to win. I'll be putting this up on my FB page. Hope you reach your goal!


  22. Well on your way to 500! Thanks so much for a chance to win a fabulous and very generous prize! I am a long time follower here!

  23. I've been following you for awhile now and will post this banner to my blog! I always enjoy seeing what you are up to! Thanks for the chance to win!
    My email is carrieannsheridan@gmail.com

  24. I hope you reach your goal. That would be great. Good luck.

    inmyredhighheels1 at gmail.com

  25. I post your image on my blog!
    Hope you reach your goal!
    Thank you for the chance to win!
    my e mail: fikreta.posavec@gmail.com

  26. Hi Jo.
    I am your new follower.
    Hope you reach your goal very soon!
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    I addet your banner on my sidebar so that you can get more followers.
    My email is: valerija.puksic@gmail.com

  27. Hello Jo!

    I already am your follower. Hope you rich your number soon. I will put your banner on my blog and hope you will get a lot of new friends.
    Have a nice day



  28. What a generous giveaway!!! Congrats on how close you are to 500 followers....won't be long! Thank you so much for the chance to win. I am a new follower by Google Friend Connect and a new subscriber by email.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  29. Woot! Woot!
    Wow! What a Craftabulous giveaway!!! You will surely reach your 500 followers mark soon and many more!!! Will surely spread the word. I adore your creations and this is a great chance to win and expand my crafty stash!!!
    Thanks a lot! I have followed all the steps.

  30. Congratulations Jo! 500 isn't too far away! I'm sure that you'll get it soon! I've added the pic to my sidebar! Thank you for this giveaway! Cheers! My email id is as follows: sidellemenon@gmail.com

  31. Congrats on your milestone, Jo!! You will be there soon!! You have a great blog! I'm your newest follower! My email is darcykschroeder@gmail.com.

  32. Congratulations Jo...here is your 495th follower..Just 5 more to go...Going to put up your badge..Thanks for the chance..

  33. Forgot to write my email id..It is - richa7849@yahoo.co.in
    Would love if you would drop by my blog and leave some love..

  34. Only 3 more to go! I am following you as Stuffnthingz (my website handle). The best of luck to you as you grow your blog:)

  35. I am a follower! Love your cards!!

  36. oh so close!! will it be before Thanksgiving????


  37. I think I am follower number 499. I am not really comfortable putting my email address here (leaving me open to lots of spam). Is there a way to contact me through my Google handle? Or here is my blog: http://theblognoonewantstoread.blogspot.com/ I hope that doesn't disqualify me.

  38. did you ever give this away? I am taking the badge off my side bar now...I have looked back all the way to November and can't find a winner.


  39. Congratulations Jo. You can do it. Thank you for teh nice give away. my emaila ddress is surekhagalagoda@gmail.com Stay blessed


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